It is best to reserve the use of floating point arithmetic for calculations that involve fundamentally inexact values, such as measurements. 最好将浮点运算保留用作计算本来就不精确的数值,譬如测量。
While nearly every processor and programming language supports floating point arithmetic, most programmers pay little attention to it. 虽然几乎每种处理器和编程语言都支持浮点运算,但大多数程序员很少注意它。
The floating point environment functions are not always supported, and some platforms will not have support for IEEE arithmetic. 浮点环境函数并不是总被支持,有一些平台不会支持IEEE运算。
Floating point arithmetic is rarely exact. 浮点运算很少是精确的。
For reasons that concern the implementation of floating point arithmetic, we decided to train our net with these twenty counts divided by a normalizing factor. 由于关注浮点运算的执行,我们打算用一种规格化因素将这20字符统计分开来,并以此培训我们的网络。
A system of mathematical notation: fixed-point or floating-point scale of an arithmetic value. 一种数学计数制:算术值的定点或浮点标量。
Computer principle of a floating point arithmetic unit. 计算机组成原理的一个浮点数运算器。
Real Programmers scorn floating point arithmetic. The decimal point was invented for pansy bedwetters who are unable to think big. 真正的程序员鄙视浮点运算。十进制是为蠢人而发明的。
The coding in GA was the floating point number coding, the arithmetic cross technique and the cross technique among different groups were used. 遗传算法采用浮点数编码方法,运用了算术交叉技术和种群间交叉技术。
Parallelism selection and niche method were generated, and floating point representation and arithmetic crossover were used in the genetic algorithm, constraint domain was transformed to no constraint by using penalty function. 遗传算法中综合了并列选择和小生境方法,采用了浮点编码和算术交叉操作,应用罚函数法将有约束优化问题转化成无约束优化问题。
Implementing Rapid Scan Floating Point Division Arithmetic of Multiplex Byted with a Single Chip Microcomputer 单片机多字节浮点除法快速扫描运算的实现
A Research of Functional Testing Method for Microprocessor Floating-Point Arithmetic 微处理器浮点运算功能的测试方法研究
The Key Technology Study for Super Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic 超高精度浮点运算的关键技术研究
The realization of FFT is based on 8096'S 4-byte floating point arithmetic function. In programming, the inverted input/ decimation-in-time FFT algorithm and the 2-based arithmetic generally used are be chosen. 以8096的四字节浮点数运算功能实现快速傅立叶变换,选用了倒序输入时间抽取快速傅立叶变换算法,采用通常的基2运算。
The floating point arithmetic is very important for high performance arithmetic. 浮点运算是高性能计算研究中的一个重要领域。
Floating-Point Division and Square-Root Arithmetic s on Processors 处理器中的浮点除法和平方根运算算法
In this paper we mainly study for the key technology of super precision floating point arithmetic. 本文主要研究超高精度浮点运算中的关键技术。
A high resolution digital velocity detection and dynamic position detection method was developed based on the improved M/ T method and 32 bit floating point arithmetic. 提出了基于32位浮点运算和改进的M/T法的高精度数字测速及动态位置检测算法。
The presupposition of system design is the study of floating point arithmetic including data type, basis of numeric value, operational environment and so on. 对浮点运算的数据类型、数值基础及运算环境等的分析理解是进行浮点执行部件设计的前提,而对其体系结构分析则是系统设计的关键。